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The Warrior

It seems the news media most of America has lost the idea of a "Warrior" even with all the superheroes. In some ways, Hollywood has replaced or re-imagined who and what makes a warrior. The central element is a superpower. Hollywood has also added the cape as their uniform. In replacing the warrior with the superhero. The subliminal message is the warrior, a caped man, and a woman with a superpower. Hence we have lost sight of the warrior that walks among us daily.

Let's examine that a warrior, knight, or shogun all savor something in common, like the superhero who all share a power that the average human does not possess. What unifies warriors is what the greatest of all warriors set as the standard. Those requirements are to surfer even to giving up one's life. Jesus set that standard John 15:13 "Greater love has no on greater than this: to lay down one's life for a friend. " Many American's have lost respect for the warrior. The individuals who are willing to risk their lives every minute of the day. The obvious ones wear a cape in the form of a uniform. The firefighter enters a burning building to save you. The police officer may get shot because you called for help.

There is another type of warrior, and you walk by them. You may even do business with them and shop at their stories. They are Christian Warrior; some Christian Warriors wear "capes." These are the people who step in and stop a fight, help a stranger in need; it sounds like the Boy Scotts. Warriors have to learn somewhere. It begins with Jesus Christ; He is whipped so that pieces of His flesh yanked away, leaving a gash bleeding. The number of gashes was nine times 39. It is called the cat o' nine tails. Whip with nine pits each had mental pieces like razors attached. Now here is the word never mentioned, Jesus never said, "Ouch." Not once in fact, His dying words were "Forgiven them for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34 A warrior does not complain or express pain.

The next standard that Jesus set for Christian Warriors was to die not only for his friends but for every human being for all time. The point here is to be looking out for the other person, even if to the point of death. We seem to hear what makes us happy, living your dream, how to be this or that. The emphasis is on the self with less concern about our neighbor. Think of all the crimes that would end if we had a sense of well-being for our neighbor. Well, Jesus, the Lord of lords, a warrior, is also the trainer. He permitted Covid, so we have to start doing just that by not giving the virus to someone else. The outcome of the lesson is to be righteous and loving your neighbor.


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